KF Book Club: Bonus Spring reading!

We hope you all have been enjoying our spring reads thus far.

In March, we read (and cried!) our way through The Women by Kristin Hannah, and this month we practically inhaled Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin.

As a bonus, we invite you to join us in reading Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver.

This book tells the equally hilarious and heartbreaking story of a boy born to a teenage single mother in a single-wide trailer in the Appalachians, with nothing to his name, except for his good looks, wit, and ability to survive. It will have you laughing and crying and back again. ⁠

Drop a comment if you’ve read it, share your favorite pairing, or send us a photo of your book club enjoying some Kristof Farms ciders or wines over a lively discussion. ⁠

We can’t wait to hear what you think.


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